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The Way to God: Advaita - The Way to God Through Mind
Vedanta Prabodha - The Most Exhaustive Book Ever Written on Shankaracharya's Advaita Vedanta
Advaïta - Libérer le Divin en soi...
A Primer on Advaita: Based on AtmajnAnopadeshavidhi of Shankara
Advaita Vedanta For Beginners: Different Theories Of The Origin Of The Universe
Advaita Ashrama, India Vivekachudamani Paperback – Unabridged, 30 January 2010
Advaita: The Truth of Non-Duality
Advaita Vedanta Practices: The Relationship Between Brahman And Atman
Advaita: The Truth of Non-Duality
Advaita Epistemology and Metaphysics: An Outline of Indian Non-Realism
The Zen of Advaita: The Zen Koan Course
Advaita Vedanta: Being the Self
Advaita Vedanta : A Philosophical Reconstruction
Advaita Vedanta Practices: The Relationship Between Brahman And Atman
Advaita Vedanta For Beginners: Different Theories Of The Origin Of The Universe
Advaita Makaranda - The Nectar of Non-duality of Sri Laksmidhara Kavi
Journey From Many to One / Essentials of Advaita Vedanta
The Essential Vedanta: A New Source Book of Advaita Vedanta (Treasures of the World's Religions) Paperback – August 12, 2004
Tantric Advaita - Energizing Nonduality
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda (8 Volume Set)
Advaita Vedanta Practices: The Relationship Between Brahman And Atman
Never Mind - A Journey into Non-duality
Metaphysics of Advaita Vedanta
Advaita Worldview - God, World and Humanity
Advaita Tradition in Indian Philosophy: A Study of Advaita in Buddhism, Vedanta & Kashmira Shaivism
EL ADVAITA TÁNTRICO - Energizando No-dualidad
Sankara: Visión advaita de la realidad
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Advaita: The Truth of Non-Duality Paperback – 1 January 2009
Advaita Heart: Nondual Devotion
Advaita and Visistadvaita: A Study Based on Vedanta Desika's Satadusani
Meditación Advaita IV: La Omnisciencia del Ser
Finding your Self: Liberation through Advaita Vedanta
Tantric Advaita - Energizing Nonduality
The Advaita Primer : Theory of Everything
Naishkarmyasiddhi: An Elucidation of Advaita by Sureshvara [Hardcover] R. Balasubramanian
The Advaita Tradition in Indian Philosophy: A Study of Advaita in Buddhism, Vedanta and Kashmira Shaivism
Spiraling Avenues: Waking, Dreaming, Sleeping, Being.: Swapna Nidra Gnyana Sadhana: Advaita Insights Beyond the Waking
Gaudapada: Advaita Vedanta's First Philosopher
Early Advaita Vedanta Philosophy, Volume 1: Plain English Translations of the Gaudapada-karikas With a Summary of Shankara's Commentary
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Personhood of Soul in Western Philosoph A Contradiction of Advaita Vedanta: Response to Edith Stein's The Science of The Cross
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DSR BOOK DISTRIBUTORS The Essential Vedanta: A New Source of Advaita Vedanta
ADVAITA MEDITATION V: You exist only in God: The body, the world and the mind are figments of the imagination; the only real thing is the timeless Self itself
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Meditação Advaita: O eterno eu não é individual nem universal
Final Truth: A Guide to Ultimate Understanding
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La sabiduría de Balsekar: La esencia de la Iluminación, expuesta por uno de los principales maestros del Vedanta Advaita
Fuego blanco, segunda edición, volumen 1: Guía espiritual de un sabio contemporáneo
ADVAITA MEDITATION III: There is no space, no time and no Creation
List of Teachers of Advaita Vedanta
Revelation And Reason In Advaita Vedanta
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La tradición de enseñanza del Advaita Vedānta
MEDITACIÓN ADVAITA VII: El método de la autoindagación para conocerse: La autoconciencia y el autoconcepto evolucionan positivamente mediante análisis y discernimiento (Spanish Edition)
The Wisdom of Balsekar: The World's Leading Teacher of Advaita
All is Nothing: Traditional Advaita for Today's World
La liberación del alma: El viaje más allá de ti mismo
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Potzblitz - Advaita Vedanta: Der Weg der Couch
Vivir liberado: El viaje interior hacia la autorrealización, la alegría incondicional y el sentido de la vida
Almost Single: Is There Such A Thing As A Perfect Relationship?
La práctica de la liberación del alma: Diario y guía de ejercicios
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Journey from Many to One / Essentials of Advaita Vedanta
Structuring Advaita Dialectic( A study of Sriharsa's Khandanakhandakhadyam and Naisadhiyacaritam)
A Primer on Advaita : Based on AtmajnAnopadeshavidhi of Shankara Paperback – 27 April 2022
The Essential Vedanta: A New Source Book of Advaita Vedanta (Treasures of the World's Religions)