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Mainstream Publishing Soldier Five: The Real Truth About The Bravo Two Zero Mission
Chandigarh Casablanca: How Architects, Experts, Politicians, International Agencies, and Citizens Negotiate Modern Planning: A Report on Modernization
Olmsted Trees: Stanley Greenberg
Hotel Lobbies and Lounges: The Architecture of Professional Hospitality (Interior Architecture)
Acculturating the Shopping Centre
L'Afrique, C'est Chic. Architecture and Planning in Africa 1950-1970 (Oase) by Tom Avermaete (2010-08-02)
Urban Design in the 20th Century: A History
Architecture and the Welfare State
The New Urban Condition: Criticism and Theory from Architecture and Urbanism
Architecture and the Welfare State
Making a New World: Architecture & Communities in Interwar Europe: 13 (KADOC Artes) (KADOC-Artes, 13)
Casablanca and Chandigarh – Comment les Architectes, Les experts, Les politiciens, Les Institutions Internationales et Les Citoyens
Agadir: Building the Modern Afropolis
Casablanca Chandigarh: Bilans d’une modernisation Paperback – Illustrated, August 15, 2014
Chandigarh Casablanca: Urbanisme moderne, geographies nouvelles: Comment les architectes, les experts, les politiciens, les institutions internationales et les citoyens négocient l'urbanisme moderne
Urban Design In The 20th Century - A History
Olmsted Trees (Bilingual edition): Stanley Greenberg
Casablanca and Chandigarh – How Architects, Experts, Politicians, International Agencies, and Citizens Negotiate Modern Planning
Shopping Towns Europe: Commercial Collectivity and the Architecture of the Shopping Centre, 1945–1975
[(Structuralism Reloaded?: Rule-Based Design in Architecture & Urbanism)] [ Edited by Tomas Valena, Edited by Tom Avermaete, Edited by Georg Vrachliotis ] [July, 2011]
Casablanca Chandigarh: A Report on Modernization
The New Urban Condition: Criticism and Theory from Architecture and Urbanism
Making a New World: Architecture and Communities in Interwar Europe: 13 (KADOC Artes)
Structuralism Reloaded: Rule-Based DEsign in Architecture and Urbanism
Architecture in the Netherlands: Yearbook 2014/15
OASE 81: Constructing Criticism Paperback – 31 October 2010
The Finest Hours (Young Readers Edition): The True Story of a Heroic Sea Rescue
Hotel Lobbies and Lounges: The Architecture of Professional Hospitality (Interior Architecture)
Structuralism Reloaded: Rule-Based DEsign in Architecture and Urbanism
Hotel Lobbies and Lounges: The Architecture of Professional Hospitality
Acculturating the Shopping Centre
Cassell Military The Real Bravo Two Zero
Hotel Lobbies and Lounges: The Architecture of Professional Hospitality (Interior Architecture)
Agadir: Building the Modern Afropolis
Making a New World: Architecture and Communities in Interwar Europe