The Artichoke Detox Tea - Te de Alcachofa is a wonderful Antioxidant Rich Tea to help you Detox, Keep your metabolism burning at night and help keep you regular. With Artichoke and Green Tea / Black Tea as the main ingredients, not only is it nourishing and highly antioxidant but it can help you reach your Weight Loss Goals. Taken just once a day at night it will help you stay regular and go to the bathroom in the morning. El Te de Dieta de Alcachofa es una decliosa forma de llegar a tus metas de perdida de peso y mantenterte regular. Con Alcachofa, Te Verde y Te Negro no solo apoya tu metabolismo por la noche pero tambien te ayuda con Antioxidantes y a eliminar la constipacion. Solo toma 1 taza cada noche y listo!
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