Network to Your Advantage Don’t get caught off guard at that next meeting, conference, or networking event! Make an excellent first impression and help new contacts remember your name, face, and the value you can bring to their business. This card holder is great for an attorney, salesperson, accountant, recruiter, or any other working professional. Premium Full Grain Leather Business Card Holder Lightweight materials make the card holder great for both men and women. With four pockets and a large capacity for cards, it can easily be used as a wallet, too. This handcrafted item also makes an excellent, practical gift for a friend, family member, or colleague. A Stylish Statement Designed for the modern professional, this slim card holder is smooth to the touch and stylishly engraved on the inside. Choose from 7 unique colors: Avalanche Gray, Midnight Black, Charred Oak, Tobacco Snakebite, Whiskey Barrel, Bootlegger Brown, and Rio Latigo. Small Batches Handmade in the USA Our business card holders are lovingly handcrafted in small batches, here in the USA. This allows us to pay special attention to details like precision cutting, measurement, and selecting choice pieces of leather. Our leather - the highest quality available - will patina and only look better with time. Lifetime Warranty Included You can rest assured your business card holder will never tear, fray, or degrade with regular use. We believe so strongly in our products, in fact, that your purchase includes a lifetime warranty. Enjoy a durable, reliable item and the comfort of knowing you’re covered for life. Don’t wait to order today - Click “Add to Cart” now to have your brand new Main Street Forge leather business card holder shipped directly to your door!
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