ENJOY THE SENSATION OF A 5-STAR HOTEL AT HOMEAromaPlan Scent Air Machine for Home -WhiteIMPORTANT!Instructions on how to turn on your Aromaplan for the first time STEPS TO FOLLOW:1. Press the button ENTA for “3-4 seconds”2- now reset it by pressing the “back & > button, at the same time, for 3 seconds. FYI: Make sure you see the message: “DO YOU WANT TO RESET THE DIFUSER?” And select YES ??Now you just need to turn it in ON again, using one of the methods.plug in the diffuser in the power outlet.ORuse the app : Aroma Link to connect via bluetooth using the password 1234.Use the settings and set up according to your needs.Relax and enjoy your Aromaplan!Note : if you already turn on and heard a BIP and then the machine turned off. It’s ok ! You just need to follow the steps above
3 weeks ago
2 months ago