Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «Que sea mi vida mucha, o que sea poca,importa poco; solo el que bien muere puede decir que tiene larga vida.»(Trato de Argel, Primera jornada) Desdeñado en su tiempo, ensombrecido por la popularidad de Lope de Vega y castigado por la incomprensión de un público incapaz aún de percibir su originalidad e innovación, el teatro de Miguel de Cervantes se asemeja en muchos aspectos a su obra narrativa. Así, el uso del diálogo como medio conductor del relato, las situaciones cómicas, los personajes estrafalarios en definitiva, los estandartes propios del universo cervantino fluyen también a lo largo de sus ocho comedias, ocho entremeses y dos piezas sueltas. El Príncipe de los Ingenios siempre habló del teatro como su gran vocación. La presente edición, al cuidado del catedrático y cervantista Florencio Sevilla Arroyo, reúne la totalidad de su producción dramática, a la que el paso del tiempo y el buen juicio que la distancia regala al lector han concedido el lugar que le corresponde. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The best works ever written. Were I to have a plentiful life or a mere one, it doesn’t matter; only those who have a good death can say they had a long life.” (The trade of Algiers, Part 1) Disdained during his time, overshadowed by the popularity of Lope de Vega and punished by a public unable to perceive and understand his originality and innovation, Miguel de Cervantes’ plays are very similar in many aspects to his narrative work. Those characteristics and styles that are distinct to the Cervantine era: the use of dialogue as the main conveyor of the story, funny situations, and whacky characters, are also represented throughout his eight comedies, eight short skits, and two plays. Cervantes always thought of the theater as his great calling. This edition, put together by Cervantine expert Florencio Sevilla Arroyo, holds all of Cervantes’ plays which have now, with the passing of time, taken on the importance that they deserve. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONThe best works ever written. “Were I to have a plentiful life or a mere one, it doesn’t matter; only those who have a good death can say they had a long life.” (The trade of Algiers, Part 1) Disdained during his time, overshadowed by the popularity of Lope de Vega and punished by a public unable to perceive and understand his originality and innovation, Miguel de Cervantes’ plays are very similar in many aspects to his narrative work. Those characteristics and styles that are distinct to the Cervantine era: the use of dialogue as the main conveyor of the story, funny situations, and whacky characters, are also represented throughout his eight comedies, eight short skits, and two plays. Cervantes always thought of the theater as his great calling. This edition, put together by Cervantine expert Florencio Sevilla Arroyo, holds all of Cervantes’ plays which have now, with the passing of time, taken on the importance that they deserve.
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