Friskies Seafood Sensations Salmon & Tuna Dry Cat Food, Nourish your cat companion with the yummy flavors and high-quality nutrition found in Purina Friskies Seafood Sensations dry cat food. Salmon, tuna and shrimp flavors combine to create a taste she'll love, and a touch of seaweed flavor balances out the recipe for delicious goodness. Essential vitamins and minerals in every serving let you feel good about offering this dry cat food to your feline friend, and essential fatty acids help support her healthy skin and coat. Each serving contains 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for every stage of life, so your cat can enjoy recipe from her playful kitten days all the way through her adventurous adult years. Friskies Seafood Sensations Salmon & Tuna Dry Cat Food, 3.15 lb Bag Seafood flavors for the taste cats love 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for all life stages Contains protein to support strong muscles Tempting texture to please her palate Essential fatty acids to help support healthy skin and coat
2 weeks ago
3 weeks ago