This is a DIY Project. Children can easily connect the parts easily. This Project works in two modes. One is Windmill Mode and the Other is Demo mode. In demo mode, switch on the power and let the windmill work with the help of the battery. In windmill mode, switch off the power and Rotate the blades with hand. Normally in windmill, Wind Energy is converted into mechanical energy and the mechanical energy is converted into Electric Energy. Since the blades are very small and the generator is little hard to run, it will not work in direct wind power. So we have to rotate the blades with our hand. When we rotate the blades in clockwise direction, the gears in the gear motor operates the generator motor with very high torque. Thus the generator generates electricity according to the principle of Fleming’s Righ Hand Rule. Fleming’s Right Hand Rule states that, when you keep the thumb, index finger and middle finger of the right hand right angle to each other, if the thumb shows the direction of motion, index finger shows the direction of magnetic field then the middle finger will show the direction of induced electric current. This law explains the working of a DC generator. To demonstrate this project, switch on the power in the windmill tower. The gear motor is operated with the help of 3v battery inside the windmill. Since it is a gear motor, the windmill operation is looking like a real windmill operation. Now switch off the power. Rotate the windmill blade in the clockwise direction. Due to the electric power produced by the generator, the LED will glow. Thus we can explain the real operation of the windmill.
1 month ago
1 month ago